
Click here <\/a>for old events.
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the calendar at IEA Bioenergy<\/a> for further events.<\/p>\n \r\n\r\n

Past events<\/h4> \r\n\t\t\t




Workshop: Sustainable low emission wood stoves – recent developments and proper operation<\/p>\r\n


Together with AIEL, Task 32 hosted a workshop as a part of the Progetto Fuoco 2024 industry fair on wood and wood pellet stoves. The workshop took place on Thursday February 29 at the Conference Room Pavilion 6, at Progetto Fuoco, Verona Fiere. Recent work in Task 32 was in focus at a part of […]<\/p> \r\n

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Expert Round Table Discussion: Strategies for Reducing Air Pollutants from Wood Combustion in Stressed Regions<\/p>\r\n

Fairbanks, Alaska<\/p>

IEA Bioenergy Task 32 (Biomass Combustion) held an Expert Round Table Discussion at Pike’s Waterfront Lodge in Fairbanks, Alaska. It was a hybrid event, with speakers present in Fairbanks and online, and with an online audience. Wood combustion, particularly in residential applications, is a significant source of air pollution. Remedial actions considered by policy makers, […]<\/p> \r\n

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Workshop: Biomass combustion and CCUS on 21st September 2023<\/p>\r\n


Bioenergy combined with carbon capture and utilisation or storage, also known as BECCUS is a concept that has been discussed in climate change mitigation research for quite some time. During the last five years the implementation has become the subject of serious consideration within governments and private actors. As a part of the BECCUS 2.0 […]<\/p> \r\n

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Webinar: Residential Wood Combustion \u2013 Towards Low Emission Systems<\/p>\r\n

IEA Bioenergy hosted an international webinar entitled \u201cResidential Wood Combustion \u2013 Towards Low Emission Systems\u201d. Wood combustion plays a large role for residential heating in many countries. However, inadequate knowledge, poor design of appliances, unrealistic test methods and poor operation of wood stoves lead to undesired and harmful consequences for air quality in many residential […]<\/p> \r\n

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Workshop: 9th IEA-CCC Workshop on cofiring biomass with coal<\/p>\r\n

Kokura, Japan<\/p>

TOPICS ADDRESSED: biomass supply, sustainability and logistics biomass handling and related safety issues biomass pre-treatment combustion and gasification slagging, fouling and corrosion issues power plant conversion\/adaptation emissions control and ash management supportive policies For more information visit the workshop website.<\/p> \r\n

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Workshop: Flexible bioenergy and system integration<\/p>\r\n

Graz, Austria<\/p>

Follow this link to see the program.<\/p> \r\n

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Task 32 Workshop: Residential wood combustion<\/p>\r\n

Graz, Austria<\/p>

This workshop organized by IEA Bioenergy Task 32 covered highly relevant topics for residential wood combustion: direct-heating and central-heating technologies as well as operational performance and certification methods for high quality products. Additionally, the invited experts highlighted recent developments and future perspectives of advanced control concepts and secondary emission abatement technologies. The workshop was held […]<\/p> \r\n

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6th Central European Biomass Conference<\/p>\r\n

Graz, Austria<\/p>

The\u00a06th Central European Biomass Conference is a forum for\u00a0users, enterprises, researchers, developers, policymakers and distributors to share their knowledge in the field of bioenergy. The conference is held from the 22.-24th of January, 2020 in the Messe Congress Graz, Austria. Connecting more than 1.500 participants from all continents, the CEBC is one of the world\u2019s […]<\/p> \r\n

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