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Past events



IEA Bioenergy Webinar – ‘Biomass Pretreatment – Options to Diversify the Resource Base’

IEA Bioenergy invites you to participate in an international webinar entitled, “Biomass Pretreatment – Options to Diversify the Resource Base”. This webinar will feature five carefully curated case studies presented by the following speakers: Michael Wild, Évelyne Thiffault, Kevin J. Whitty, Marcel Cremers and K.P.H. Meesters (Koen). The webinar will be moderated by Jaap Koppejan. This webinar will be […]

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International Workshop: Future perspectives of bioenergy development in Asia, 5-7 Sept 2018

Tokyo, Japan

Many East and South East Asian countries see rapid development in the use of both liquid and solid biomass for modern bioenergy. Apart from using domestic biomass, Japan and South Korea have started to import large volumes of wood pellets for co-firing with coal from countries in the Pacific Rim such as Indonesia, Vietnam and […]

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