Workshop on Next Generation Small Scale Biomass Combustion, Amsterdam, Oct 20, 2008

Monday, 20 October 2008

Eden Rembrandt Square
hotel, Amstelstraat 17, Amsterdam

Expert workshop: 

Next generation small scale
biomass combustion technologies

Sjaak van Loo

IEA Bioenergy Task 32


The aim of this workshop
was to evaluate and discuss prospects for new technical developments in
small scale biomass combustion appliances.

Individual presentations:

13:30        Opening
Sjaak van Loo, IEA Bioenergy Task 32

13:40        Current and future European
legislation on solid fuel small scale direct heating appliances for
domestic use
Eric Smit, Interfocos, Netherlands


Characterisation of PM and
results on emission factors from small scale biomass combustion in IEA
Thomas Nussbaumer, University of Applied Sciences Lucerne and Verenum
Zurich, Switzerland


Proposed best
practice procedures regarding the measurement and characterisation of
particles in small-scale biomass combustion plants – final results of a
project within the ERA-NET Bioenergy Programme
Thomas Brunner, Ingwald Obernberger, Graz University of Technology,

14:40        Influence of ignition and
operation on PM emissions from residential wood combustion
Anna Doberer, University of Applied Sciences Lucerne, Switzerland

Current firewood firing technology in Slovenia, Spain. France, Austria,
Finland and Norway, Edvard Karlsvik, SINTEF, Norway

15:20        coffee break


The ‘Hydrocube’ for pellets,
Elisabeth Wopienka or Walter Haslinger, ABC Wieselburg

15:55        Combustion of ash rich
biomass pellets
Claes Tullin, SP

16:15        Emission reduction of
wood log combustion in heat retaining stoves
Heikki Oravainnen, VTT

16:35        New developments in
small scale ESP technology
Hans Hartmann, TFZ, Germany

16:55        CleanAir ESP
technology for woodstoves
Ernst Henriksen, APP, Norway

17:15        Retrofit afterburner
technology for woodstoves
Mats Haukebø, Ecoxy, Norway

17:35        Final remarks to conclude the meeting

17:40        Drinks