Expert Round Table Discussion: Strategies for Reducing Air Pollutants from Wood Combustion in Stressed Regions
IEA Bioenergy Task 32 (Biomass Combustion) held an Expert Round Table Discussion at Pike’s Waterfront Lodge in Fairbanks, Alaska.
It was a hybrid event, with speakers present in Fairbanks and online, and with an online audience.
Wood combustion, particularly in residential applications, is a significant source of air pollution. Remedial actions considered by policy makers, regulatory agencies at state, provincial / territorial and municipal governments to control air quality are numerous. The purpose of the event was to bring inspirations and experiences across from Europe and North America on strategies for reducing air pollution and it was intended as an exchange between the IEA Bioenergy experts and North American stakeholders. Most of the IEA Bioenergy Task 32 member country representatives were in attendance, allowing a chance for networking and to learn about how the challenge of reaching a large number of wood combustion users is tackled in other countries.
- 7:30 – Welcome and introduction: Sebnem Madrali, IEA Bioenergy Task 32/CanmetENERGY – Natural Resources Canada
- 7:40 – Strategies for reducing the impact on air quality from residential wood combustion: Dr. Hans Hartmann, Technology and Support Centre of Renewable Raw Materials (TFZ)
- 8:00 – State of Alaska Fairbanks PM2.5 Nonattainment Area Overview: Cory McDonald, Fairbanks North Star Borough (FNSB), Air Quality Department and Steven Hoke, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
- 8:20 Introduction to CCME Guidance Manual on Managing Air Emissions from Small Solid Biomass Combustors: Steven Law, Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks
- 8:40 Municipal Biomass Combustion in Canada – Notes From Each Side of the Podium: David Dubois, Fink Machine, and Councillor Village of Cache Creek
- 9:00 Moderated round table discussion between speakers with questions from the audience
- 9:25 Concluding Remarks
Summary and presentations