Workshop rationale and aim
Torrefaction is an interesting pre-treatment technology for biomass before pelletisation and/or combustion. It is a thermo-chemical process for the upgrading of biomass that is usually run at temperatures ranging from 200 to more than 300°C under the exclusion of oxygen and at ambient pressure.
This workshop gave a comprehensive overview of fundamentals of torrefaction, the main advantages of and the challenges in producing torrefied biomass. Ongoing R&D activities were shown, demonstration plants under construction or already in operation were presented and the latest state-of-science in torrefaction was discussed.
A major focus of the workshop was on logistic aspects of torrefied biomass and the possible impacts on global international bioenergy trade. International biomass trade of e.g. wood pellets, ethanol or biodiesel has been growing strongly in the past decade, but is still relatively small compared to other commodities. While the technical biomass potential would in theory allow for much larger quantities to be utilized, in practice the use is hampered by a geographical mismatch of supply and demand, and associated high logistical costs. Torrefaction is a pre-treatment technology that may help to overcome this barrier as it might enable the use of so-far unutilized biomass potentials, and may thus play a pivotal role for the future growth of bioenergy trade.
This workshop was attended by approx 250 participants from industry, policy makers, NGOs and academia. The event took place as a parallel session within the Central European Biomass Conference 2011 in Graz, Austria.
Lecture /
speaker |
Welcome address
Martina Ammer, Federal Ministry for
Transport, Innovation and Technology, Vienna, Austria |
Chairman: Jaap Koppejan, IEA
Bioenergy Task 32, Enschede, The Netherlands |
Task 40 overview
of international developments in torrefaction
Chris Kleinschmidt, KEMA, Arnhem,
The Netherlands
Paper of the presentation |
The ratio behind
torrefaction: trade-off between additional investment & energy
use vs. logistical & end-use advantages
Michael Wild, EBES AG, Vienna,
Austria |
Fundamentals and
basic principles of torrefaction
Martin Englisch, ÖFI, Vienna,
Austria |
biomass torrefaction – an extensive parametric study
Anders Nordin, Umea University,
Umea, Sweden |
torrefaction-based BO2-technology – from pilot to demo
Jaap Kiel, ECN, Petten, The
Netherlands |
Presentation of
the Torrbed process
Robin Post van der Burg, Topell,
The Hague, The Netherlands |
Presentation of
the Torr Coal process
Jan Brouwers, Torr Coal, Sittard,
The Netherlands |
Presentation of
the ACB process
Klaus Trattner, Andritz AG, Graz,
Austria |
Coffee break |
biomass potentials that are currently unutilized and that may be
accessed through torrefaction
Hubert Röder, Pöyry,
Freising, Germany |
Possibilities and
bottlenecks for long-distance transport and storage of torrefied
Ger Ostermeijer, Peterson Control
Union Group, Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
Case study:
exports of torrefied and non-torrefied biomass from a Latin
American country to Rotterdam Comparison of costs and GHG
Andre Faaij, Utrecht University,
Utrecht, The Netherlands |
The technical
aspects of the firing and co-firing of torrefied biomass in
large pulverised fuel-fired boilers.
William Livingston, Doosan Babcock
Energy Limited, Renfrew, UK |
Chairman: Martin Junginger, IEA
Bioenergy Task 40, Utrecht, The Netherlands |