Workshop on fuel flexibility in biomass combustion, Jönköping, May, 2006

World Bioenergy 2006
Conference and Exhibition on Biomass for Energy
Jönköping, Sweden, 30 May – 1 June, 2006

IEA Bioenergy Task 32 organised workshop: 

flexibility in biomass combustion

The key to
low bio-energy costs?

Chairpersons: Sjaak van Loo, Claes Tullin

The report that summarises the workshop and includes all
presentations can be downloaded here.

The individual presentations can be downloaded below.

14:00   Opening, Sjaak
van Loo, IEA Bioenergy Task 32

Part A: Market issues

Bo Hektor, Talloil

“Future Supply of Biomass for Fuel; Sources, Quantities
and Costs”

Martin Junginger, Utrecht University

“Availability of biomass and biomass supply systems for
co-firing purposes”

Part B:  Fuel
characterisation and standardisation

Evalena Wikström , SP

“Is representative and relevant composition data for
heterogeneous solid recovered fuels possible to accomplish?”

15:10 Jan
Burvall , SLU

“Bionorm – A project to support the ongoing European
standardisation process of solid biofuels”

Part C Fuel preparation

Sture Mattsson, IQR

“Preparation of fuels based on waste material”

Part D: Fuel quality and
deposit formation/emissions

David Eskilsson, SP

“Deposit formation during combustion of different waste
wood qualities and co-combustion of waste wood and sewage sludge”

Matts Almark, Vattenfall

”Experience from waste co-combustion in Vattenfalls fluidized
bed boilers”

Part E Boiler design

Yves Ryckmans, Electrabel

“Fuel flexibility through (co-)firing biomass in
Belgian pulverised coal power plants”

Niklas Berge, TPS

“Wet bio-fuels-Aspects on furnace design and boiler

17.40 Discussion and conclusions – Claes Tullin, SP