Workshop: Sustainable low emission wood stoves – recent developments and proper operation
Together with AIEL, Task 32 hosted a workshop as a part of the Progetto Fuoco 2024 industry fair on wood and wood pellet stoves.
The workshop took place on Thursday February 29 at the Conference Room Pavilion 6, at Progetto Fuoco, Verona Fiere.
Recent work in Task 32 was in focus at a part of the workshop. This concerns the development of improved environmental performance of wood stoves, along with improving the design of the combustion chamber and combustion air supply, as well as on control systems and secondary emission abatement measures.
Furthermore, Task 32 has been studying test methods for type approval of stoves and suggested test methods that give a more realistic resemblance of typical stove operation. The workshop presented news on the European Eco-design directive as well as results from a recent Danish stove market surveillance.
To contribute to further reducing emission levels of stoves, Task 32 has looked further into the sustainability of wood stoves with a focus on emission of the climate forcers black carbon and methane and suggestions to minimise these emissions.
Operation and proper user behaviour are crucial to stove performance. The workshop included very exiting experiences from Austria and Germany
Presentations at the workshop
- Welcome and short introduction, Morten Tony Hansen | IEA Bioenergy Task 32
- Policy Update on the EU Ecodesign Directive, Irene di Padua | Bioenergy Europe
- Danish Market Surveillance of ErP Directive Lot 20, Jes Sig Andersen | DTI
- Inventory of national Strategies for reducing the Impact on Air Quality from Residential Wood Combustion, Hans Harmann | TFZ Straubing
- Emission levels and Emission Factors for modern Wood Stoves, Øyvind Skreiberg | SINTEF
- Stove Design Guide by IEA Bioenergy Task 32, Morten Gottlieb Warming-Jespersen| DTI
- User Influence on Stove Performance – Experiences from Germany, Claudia Schön (TFZ)
- User Influence on Stove Performance, Christoph Schmidl (BEST)